Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The most copied FXR.

The movie was lame and pointless.

Still there are some cool things on this bike.

1 Million Mile Harley Davidson

On April 4th, 2009, Dave Zien went down in the history books as he rode his Harley Davidson past the 1 Million Mile mark on the odometer.
It took the former Wisconsin Senator and Vietnam Vet 18 years to do it, but he did it.

150 rear tires, 65 front tires, 13 seats and 10 engine rebuilds later.

His was the first Harley Davidson to hit the 1 million mile mark.

Did I mention it was done on a 1991 FXRT?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Swap Meet

Where you sell, trade, barter, haggle, laugh and cuss.
Just so you can clean out your garage and make a little money. ( Maybe )
Or blow what you make on shit you don't really need.
Addiction is a bitch!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Matt's 28 Ford

He got it a few weeks ago. I finally saw it on Saturday.

1982 FXR

1936 Harley Davidson VLH

Assembled for the swap meet.
Hopefully if finds a new owner to go home with.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Who wants to go?

End of a good day.

At the end of the day. A cup of pepermint hot cocoa and a country setting is a good thing.

Point the wheel North and head back to Concord.

The breakdown

15 miles into the ride, Never Late started acting up then died. This is when we realized nobody had a screw driver. I have to remember to get a tool kit together for each bike.
The float bowel was full of gunk. It looked like silicone. Clean out the jets, bowel, and needle and seat. We were on the road again.

It wasn't until we were leaving that I noticed this sign. GREAT PLACE to break down. When I get a house one of these is going in the front yard.

Mrs. Gearhead!

Strikes a pose on her new Sporty.

Good Sunday

Got a ride in with the Gearhead crew. We were gonna meet up with Ian, but Kevins bike had other ideas. Gremlins got him.


Took the bags off and installed a LePara seat from the swap meet. I dig the look of the seat.
The seat has got to go. It is harder then concrete. I also need to put a tool bag on the bike.

Why I miss working at a shop.

People are always bringing in cool shit to get ride of. Long John scored this 1961 Ducati Brio 100 for pennies.

ACO spy photo

Still working to get all the gremlins out of the ACO Shovelhead.

The gremlins are not happy.

Friday, March 5, 2010