Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Camping at Morrow Mountain.

A while back K and I decided to go camping. We needed to get away and this was a cheap way for us to do it. I had recently acquired a bunch of older camping gear from a house clean out. It's not like I needed it. I already have a ton of camping gear, but if it's free, It's for me. Even though it had been sitting in a work shop since 1994 covered in dust, it fired right up and worked fine. It was time to load up the truck and head out for a camping test run.
Steak Kabobs for dinner. Cooked on a 1970's Coleman 425F stove.

Ready for a nice cool evening in the woods. The Coleman 285-700 Dual Fuel Dual Mantel Lantern from the early 1980's was bright as FUCK when turned on high. Here it is about 1/4 on.

Vintage Boy Scout Hatchet. Made from 30's thru 60's. Still sharp. I do need to make a new sheath for it.

White tail deer were everywhere. A few does and a fawn came with in 20 feet of the tent several times while we were camping. Dinner on the hoof!!!!!!

Need to relax and mellow out? Have a camp fire. For some reason it always has a way of making you forget your troubles.

I have to say that all the gear did great. I think with a little tweaking we will be good to go on trips farther away and for a longer time. Just need a few more weekend trips like this.
We stayed from Friday through Sunday. Got to do a little fishing, relaxing and a lot of good eating.
Something we will definitely do again and soon.
Not a bad way to spend our 2 year anniversary.

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