JUDGEMENTAL CYCLES is a PROUD!!!!! sponser of Pat and Max Maximov. Mad Max and Psycho Pat are members of Team Storm Riders in Florida. This band of 2-wheel lunatics will be raising money for MS. In a crappy economy some people are still HARD CORE about helping others out through Blood, Sweat, and Tears. If you don't think bicycling is a hard core sport. Try to ride into a headwind on A1A during Saturday afternoon traffic and survive. The brain dead public driving in SUVs, with Blue Hairs in Cadillacs, and every other ass hole with the windows rolled up talking on the cell phone trying to run you off the road. If one cuts you off and you clamp down on the binders, you'll see blood, sweat and tears. YOUR OWN!
Good on ya! Storm Riders.
Now, if one of you good looking ladies would just let me put a motor on that thing.....
If you want to man up and donate, go over to their website www.teamstormriders.com it's a good cause.
Pat, you have come a long way from doing endos, wheelies, and foot plants on my old BMX bike. PROUD OF YA SIS!!!
Yes, Max I made a donation for you too. Oh Yeah Proud of you too.
Team Storm Riders stay safe and keep the rubber side down.
Man, I said proud a lot in this post. Must be getting soft.
PISS OFF!!!! Now I feel better.
Judge Out
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