HOLY SHIT!!!! The Smokeout is almost here. This event always sneaks up on me faster than a top Fuel Harley through time traps. (For those of you uneducated few that's fucking fast!) My mini bike is almost done, Thanks to Kevin at Gear Head Customs, the costume I need to get working on. EL Guapo and The Dirty Clown Fucker still have to work on their costumes, so I don't feel that far behind. I do need to change the forks on the FXR and do a service. I have to give my old forks to The Infamous Road Side Marty. He's gonna hit me if he reads this. I'm not real sure he can read. Find parts for bikes, yes but read? Not sure.
Work is busting loose right now. I have a ton of shit to do. So there is gonna be a few late nights in the garage getting ready. I need to find my Slayer CD. That always motovates me and pisses off the WHITE TRASH NEIGHBORS WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN SMOTHERED AT BIRTH. I can't wait to move.
I need to get my helmet over to Megan so she can redo the interior. Megan is Kojacks other half. Both are top shelf people and can be found at Paint by Rusty their shop. Oh Yeah, Megan your bike will not be known as Frankie no matter what you say. That tank came off the Glory Hole and that's what we are going to call it. Sorry.
If all goes well Kevin and I will be hauling the pit bikes to the Bad Monkey Compound this weekend. I have to call first. I don't need a .223 round in my guts or a war hammer to the head while a pit bull tries to remove my nuts. That fucker is real serious about security and who knows where he lives. I don't blame him. Too many HOG members out there wanting to hang around and call him BRO.
Here are a few past Smokeout pics to kick up the anticipation for the SMOKEOUT X.
The first one. We didn't do it. We got blamed for it. We wanna buy the person responsible for it a beer. I don't know how you got those stickers everywhere. It was fucking awesome and funny as hell.
Two, Big Tim from Muther County Choppers lighting the burn trailer with his fire throwing Triumph Chop.
Three, Flaming mini bike burnouts. Can't say much more than that.
Last but not least. I still don't know how Big Mike got the Logans waitress to push him off. She tried a few time to get that thing going. It was awesome. Mike got the tuff guy award that year. With all the shit that happened to him and his bike, he kept going. Right on.
The Smokeout X is in Rockingham, NC this year. Be there or be the Sorry ass waste of space you really are.